How do compiler functions work?

WebAssembly runtimes let you call functions defined in wasm. How this works in wazero is different depending on your RuntimeConfig.

  • RuntimeConfigCompiler compiles machine code from your wasm, and jumps to that when invoking a function.
  • RuntimeConfigInterpreter does not generate code. It interprets wasm and executes go statements that correspond to WebAssembly instructions.

How the compiler works precisely is a large topic, and discussed at length on this page. For more general information on architecture, etc., please refer to Docs.


Our Docs introduce the “engine” concept of wazero. More precisely, there are three types of engines, Engine, ModuleEngine and callEngine. Each has a different scope and role:

  • Engine has the same lifetime as Runtime. This compiles a CompiledModule into machine code, which is both cached and memory-mapped as an executable.
  • ModuleEngine is a virtual machine with the same lifetime as its Module. Notably, this binds each function instance to corresponding machine code owned by its Engine.
  • callEngine is the implementation of api.Function in a Module. This implements Function.Call(...) by invoking machine code corresponding to a function instance in ModuleEngine and managing the call stack representing the invocation.

Here is a diagram showing the relationships of these engines:


Callbacks from machine code to Go

Go source can be compiled to invoke native library functions using CGO. However, CGO is not GO. To call native functions in pure Go, we need a different approach with unique constraints.

The most notable constraints are:

  • machine code must not manipulate the Goroutine or system stack
  • we cannot modify the signal handler of Go at runtime

Handling the call stack

One constraint is the generated machine code must not manipulate Goroutine (or system) stack. Otherwise, the Go runtime gets corrupted, which results in fatal execution errors. This means we cannot1 call Go functions (host functions) directly from machine code (compiled from wasm). This is routinely needed in WebAssembly, as system calls such as WASI are defined in Go, but invoked from Wasm. To handle this, we employ a “trampoline strategy”.

Let’s explain the “trampoline strategy” with an example. random_get is a host function defined in Go, called from machine code compiled from guest main function. Let’s say the wasm function corresponding to that is called _start. _start function is called by wazero by default on Instantiate.

Here is a TinyGo source file describing this.

//go:import wasi_snapshot_preview1 random_get
func random_get(age int32)package main

import "unsafe"

// random_get is a function defined on the host, specifically, the wazero
// program written in Go.
//go:wasmimport wasi_snapshot_preview1 random_get
func random_get(ptr uintptr, size uint32) (errno uint32)

// main is compiled to wasm, so this is the guest. Conventionally, this ends up
// named `_start`.
func main() {
    // Define a buffer to hold random data
	size := uint32(8)
    buf := make([]byte, size)

	// Fill the buffer with random data using an imported host function.
    // The host needs to know where in guest memory to place the random data.
	// To communicate this, we have to convert buf to a uintptr.
    errno := random_get(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), size)
    if errno != 0 {

When _start calls random_get, it exits execution first. wazero calls the Go function mapped to random_get like a usual Go program. Finally, wazero transfers control back to machine code again, resuming _start after the call instruction to random_get.

Here’s what the “trampoline strategy” looks like in a diagram. For simplicity, we’ll say the wasm memory offset of the buf is zero, but it will be different in real execution.


Signal handling

Code compiled to wasm use runtime traps to abort execution. For example, a panic compiled with TinyGo becomes a wasm function named runtime._panic, which issues an unreachable instruction after printing the message to STDERR.

package main

func main() {

Native JIT compilers set custom signal handlers for Wasm runtime traps, such as the unreachable instruction. However, we cannot safely modify the signal handler of Go at runtime. As described in the first section, wazero always exits the execution of machine code. Machine code sets status when it encounters an unreachable instruction. This is read by wazero, which propagates it back with ErrRuntimeUnreachable.

Here’s a diagram showing this:


One thing you will notice above is that the calls between wasm functions, such as from _start to runtime._panic do not use a trampoline. The trampoline strategy is only used between wasm and the host.


When an exported wasm function is called, using a wazero API, such as Function.Call(), wazero allocates a callEngine and starts invocation. This begins with jumping to machine code compiled from the Wasm binary. When that code makes a callback to the host, it exits execution, passing control back to exec_native which then calls a Go function and resumes the machine code afterwards. In the face of Wasm runtime errors, we exit the machine code execution with the proper status, and return the control back to exec_native function, just like host function calls. Just instead of calling a Go function, we call panic with a corresponding error. This jumping is why the strategy is called a trampoline, and only used between the guest wasm and the host running it.

  1. it’s technically possible to call it directly, but that would come with performing “stack switching” in the native code. It’s almost the same as what wazero does: exiting the execution of machine code, then call the target Go function (using the caller of machine code as a “trampoline”). ↩︎